DICP 70th Anniversary Conference (II) & DICP Symposium No. 47: DICP Symposium on Fuel Cells
时间:2018-06-27    栏目:所庆通知





The DICP Symposium on Fuel Cells is an international professional symposium focusing on the scientific technology and commercial challenges for fuel cells. It has been held every 5 years ceremoniously. Currently Fuel cells (FCs) are considered as one of the most promising power source candidates for transport, stationary and portable terminals because of its high energy efficiency and low environmental impact. Several international professional bodies play a very important role in promoting the collaboration and advancement of FC science and technologies in the international scientific community. Although the significance of FCs are widely recognized, there is a large gap between the market needs, the manufacture industry, and the scientific community on the vision and the pathway forward to enable large scale adoption of FC technologies.

The purpose of this meeting is to establish an international forum to connect research community and industry in the world to address the long term scientific and technological challenges for the development and deployment of FC technologies for electric vehicle and emerging market applications, and to serve as the authority, spokesperson and advocator for supporting FC research. In addition, DICP Symposium on Fuel Cells will help identify the gaps in science, markets and technologies to promote collaboration in the international community and collaborations between the research community and industry, provide realistic assessment of current and future fuel cell technologies, and provide guidance for long term research and long term investment. The symposium will also recognize and promote significant scientific and technological advances, individuals and teams who have made significant contributions in the field, establish new platforms and mechanisms to integrate and utilize the best resources in the scientific community and solve major scientific and technology challenges of key technologies, and speed up the transfer of these technologies to fuel cells industry.


Session I: Fundamental Research of Fuel Cells

Session II: Key Components and Technologies of Fuel cells

Session III: Engineering and industrialization of Fuel Cells





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